According to sources, Nearly Rs 300 crore is riding on King Khan’s shoulders. Reliance Big Pictures has not hit rock bottom with the poor turnover of the Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai starrer Raavan.
Neither has Hrithik Roshan and Barbara Mori’s Kites debacle at the box office obstructed their soaring fund levels. The buzz in the trade is that Reliance Big Pictures has bought the rights of Don 2 from Excel Entertainment for Rs 125 crore, which is about Rs 25 crore more than what they purchased Kites for.The deal has taken place even before Don 2 has gone on the floors, which implies that even in today’s times when films are flopping days after their release, the buyers in the market have extreme faith in a film that has Shah Rukh playing the lead. Added to this is, there is talk in the industry of Eros International buying Shah Rukh’s home-production RA.One for a whopping Rs 175 crore.