Sameera Reddy has been one of the few actresses who are known for their sizzling acts done with a certain polish and finesse. However, when she did films like PLAN or MUSAFIR, quite a few felt that she was being bold.
Today the scenario has changed when being bold is not a taboo any more. Does she ever look back and feel that it was so amusing in the past when people felt so?"Thank God it is not a taboo anymore", laughs Sameera, "I was one of the first few people in the industry who changed the way leading ladies were being looked at as.
I came with a bronze look, worn a bikini and the works. I guess I was just the chosen one as a guinea pig. When I look at the actresses arriving on screen today, I feel like I was in kindergarten compared to them."
Well, that's quite a statement that Sameera is making.
"Really, I guess I was way ahead of times then", reflects Sameera, "Sanjay (Gupta) and me created something with films like PLAN and MUSAFIR that audiences were not ready for then.
Even at that time it was so sleek and stylish. That was something that I was so proud of. Even internationally, my look in these films is still talked about. However, today when people ask me to wear a bikini, I just smile and say 'No, thank you'.
Well, looking at the way she has found an altogether new image for herself after RED ALERT - THE WAR WITHIN, one just hopes that Sam doesn't forget the audience that whole heartedly embraced her sizzling acts in the past.