Neither of them had a clean slate when they met. And in spite of knowing each other’s infamous past they decided to get married, which of course everyone thought was a point of benefit for both Rahul Mahajan and Dimpy Ganguly.
But if sources are to be believed suddenly Rahul Mahajan has a problem not only with Dimpy’s past but also with her "frivolous" attitude.During the swayamwar, Dimpy vowed that Neil Shah was her past and that she doesn’t have any intentions to keep in touch with her ex-boyfriend. Since Rahul was also linked with Payal Rohatgi and Monica Bedi, he decided to giver her a chance.
But no sooner they came home from their honeymoon, she started chatting with him on Facebook. Thinking its harmless, Rahul chose to ignore. And if that wasn’t enough Dimpy decided to take part in a upcoming summer bikini photo shoot without informing him.
Taking into consideration his political background, Dimpy’s decision didn’t go down well with him. And he has given her a final warning to mend her ways.
Dimpy on the other hand claims that it’s Rahul who has not changed and that he still keeps in touch with Payal and a few other girls he dated including Nikunj Malik. Being a "self-respecting" person, it’s she who has decided to file for a divorce.