While Cameron Diaz and Tom Cruise were shooting for the film 'Knight & Day', they had a li'l baker to deal with 24 x 7. Yes, Suri Cruise, Tom's li'l one was constantly on the sets and had opened an imaginary bakery.
It has been heard that between shots, mommy Katie Holmes was requested to take orders on the sets, while Suri would get the breads and pastries ready!Tom Cruise is more than happy with his daughter's creativity and imagination, like many of our own actors in Bollywood, who have been impressed by their li'l ones' creative expressions.
For example, Shah Ruh Khan at one point was convinced that son Aryan was growing up to be an astronaut or then a part of NASA, with his penchant for spaceships et al.
Actor Akshay Kumar, on the other hand, was excited with the fact that Aarav would be a mountaineer or a sailor. "He is very fond of the outdoors. And is often trying to climb heights at home, too," he once told us.