Delhi-girl Mayanti Langer is creating quite a buzz this FIFA World Cup. Langer, who hosts the match analysis show on ESPN with veteran commentator John Dykes, has become a sensation, with 'Wallpaper' downloads, and 'sexy' videos of Langer doing the rounds on the Internet.
On YouTube, a video titled 'Mayanti Langer - Sexy host...' has 28,500 views. She also has a fanpage on Facebook with over 17,000 fans, with comments on most sites ranging from 'I love you' to some lewd remarks.But Langer, who's riding high on the magic of football, says, "I don't let these things bother me. But, if people think I look good, I don't mind. I think it's important to look your best, because that gives you greater confidence."
Does she have a designer coordinating her look for FIFA? "No. I wear my own stuff." For India, a female sports presenter brings backs memories of Mandira Bedi and her infamous 'noodle strap' blouses. Does any of that weigh on her mind? "No. I wear what I'm comfortable in."