The good times continue for Indian captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni who recently tied the knot with Sakshi Rawat. The duo have now been invited to honeymoon in the alpine and lake resort of Queenstown, New Zealand.
During the Indian cricket tour to New Zealand in February 2009, Dhoni had expressed that New Zealand was perfect for a honeymoon. He said, "New Zealand is one of the most beautiful places, where people are friendly and very warm.It's definitely a place you want to visit once in a lifetime.... if not for cricket, then may be a honeymoon. Whatever it is, take some time off and come to New Zealand."
Taking a cue, the Tourism Board of Queenstown has extended an open invitation to Dhoni. Tony Everitt, chief executive of Destination Queenstown, says, "We are thrilled to invite Mr and Mrs Dhoni to Queenstown to spend their honeymoon with us. I'm sure this will be the perfect romantic getaway."