After shooting for three back-to-back action films, actor Abhishek Bachchan is all set to star in the sequels of Dostana and Dhoom. While he will attempt to tickle the funny bones of audiences in "Dostana 2", Dhoom 3 will see him once again team up with co-star Uday Chopra.
"Initially, I was against doing a sequel to Dostana. I couldn't see how Tarun Mansukhani could make it funnier. But he said, 'Let me write the script. You'll be the first person I'd narrate it to. If you don't like it, then I'd throw it away.' Believe me, Dostana 2 would be twice as funny as Dostana," says Abhishek.About his sequel-to-a-sequel Dhoom 3, he says that Uday and his characters are the "backbone" of the film.
"Dhoom 3 is being scripted. Dhoom is nothing without Uday and my character. We are the backbone of the film," he adds.
The actor has just returned from Greece, where he was shooting for "Game". The action scenes in "Game" were the opposite of the ones in "Raavan". While Abhishek's character had to survive on his instincts in the jungles in "Raavan", he has performed some slick action stunts for "Game".
After shooting for Mani Ratnam's "Raavan", Ashutosh Gowariker's "Khelenge Hum Jee Jaan Se" and Abhinay Deo's "Game", which are all action movies, Abhishek has now taken a concious decision to move away from the gruelling back-breaking action for a while.
Moreover, he has signed two comedies to be directed by Anees Bazmi and Vipul Shah.
So is he deliberately phasing out his career from project to project, genre to genre?
Protests Abhishek: "I'm not a calculating actor. I don't choose the genres, rather the genres choose me. I follow my heart."
He adds: "I am impatient. I like to do a lot of work. I'm happy with the zest with which I work. If tomorrow I want to do only one film a year, I'll do that. Right now, I'm enjoying being a prolific actor. How many actors can claim to have done two films as diverse as "Paa" and "Raavan" one after another?"