The ‘Ghajini’ actor Asin Thottumkal was reported to have moved into tears after being snubbed by John Abraham. Impressed with Asin’s performance in ‘London Dreams’, director Vipul Shah wanted to cast Asin opposite him but John has denied to pair opposite Asin as he does not finds her sexy. This news did not go well with Asin and she was moved into tears.
Vipul Shah wanted to cast Asin in the Tamil remake ‘Kaakha Kaakha’ opposite John but he raised an objection and asked Vipul to look for some sexier actresses. He also suggested him some names like Deepika Padukone, Sonam Kapoor and even his girlfriend Bipasha Basu.One of Asin’s close ones disclosed the secret but on asking director Vipul Shah vehemently denied any such news and confirms that Asin is not a part of his film as she is busy with Anees Bazmee’s ‘Ready’ opposite Salman Khan.
John is yet to firm his foothold in Bollywood and he has already started showing attitude.