Priya Mani was working on her birthday, but that’s nothing new for the National Award-winning actress. “I couldn’t afford to take off this year either,” says Priya, who was shooting for Ram Gopal Varma’s Rakta Charitra. But the Gemini girl is not complaining.
“My career is shaping up well with two Bollywood films this year — Raavan and Rakta Charitra. Even my Telugu film, Golimaar, directed by Puri Jagannath has got an excellent response,” says Priya, adding, “I’m also looking forward to the release of Eno Ontara before I sign any other Kannada film.”Raavan, which is releasing later this month, is the perfect birthday gift, she says. “There is, of course, that kick of working with a big director like Mani Ratnam. This film will be my stepping stone to Bollywood. Rakta Charitra is another film I’m excited about. It’s based on real people,” she says, adding that she had fun working with Suriya on the film.