It seems Prakash Jha`s political thriller has brought an end to Box Office drought by grossing about Rs 62 crore (Rs.620 million) worldwide in its opening weekend. Produced by UTV with around Rs.45 crore, the movie has been distributed by Prakash Jha Productions, Walkwater Media and UTV Motion Pictures and it hit close to 2,200 screens across the globe.
The gross Box Office collections of the film in India is more than Rs.51 crore (Rs.510 million) on 1,900 screens while it has witnessed gross Box Office collections of Rs.10.5 crore on 300 screens overseas.In lead markets like Britain, US and the Gulf region, the movie has done business worth $315,048, $916,446 and $500,000, respectively.
Inspired by the Hindu epic Mahabharata, "Raajneeti" takes a behind-the-scenes look at the working of Indian politics and features an ensemble line-up, including the likes of Nana Patekar and Naseeruddin Shah, Ajay Devgn and Manoj Bajpai.
Heart-throbs Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif, along with model-turned-actor Arjun Rampal, also play pivotal roles in the movie.