The song "Silent Night, Only Night" is what we sing to usher in Christmas on Christmas Eve. The same cannot be sung for Diwali though I feel the essence of both is the same in many ways. Christmas and Diwali are festivals of lights, good spirits and death of evil.
Ever since I developed my liking and fondness for Hinduism, I have been attracted and deeply fascinated by many facets of the multi dimensional Hinduism. As I studied more and more of it, I fathomed the depths of one of the oldest religions of civilisation and understood that the spirituality in it transcends many barriers of mere religion.
Diwali is one such major facet. It not only belongs to Hinduism but is universal in nature and in its essence too. Diwali ignites the values of self confidence, love for humanity, peace, prosperity and above all eternity which goes beyond all mortal factors.
What do I visualise when I think of Diwali? Lights, lights everywhere, not even an iota of darkness. I have learnt that Diwali is one of the highly celebrated festivals of Hinduism. Coming to know more about it, I understand that Diwali should be celebrated unanimously throughout the world as a gesture of goodwill.
When I think of Diwali, I can never imagine a world broken into fragments by narrow feelings of communalism and religion which does not care for human benevolence. My movie "Eat, Pray, Love" has been well received in India and I am ever grateful to countless Indians for the love, confidence and trust they have bestowed on my acting abilities. Wishing you all a very happy and jubilant Diwali and promising to return to this sacred land again and again for the best of creativity.